in immigration matters


We are a legal office with an exclusive practice in the immigration area. We seek to provide a quality service to our clients with continuous and personalized step by step in each case.

At Migra411 we are committed to monitoring your case. We want to provide you with a quality service where you or your family member feel guided within the situation of your legal process.

We feel the responsibility to help you, provide you with the best options, follow up on your case, and honestly inform you of your situation to determine the process to follow.

We have a team of professionals whose priority is your peace of mind so that you feel protected throughout the evolution of the case.

We are also immigrants and our entire team is willing to provide you with the best legal service for your peace of mind. Remember, you are not alone.


Provide high quality and accessible immigration legal services to the immigrant population of the United States, educating the immigrant and their family.


Expand our services around the United States with the purpose of helping the immigrant community and their families.


Trust, commitment, education, excellence, integrity.




– LL.M, University of Georgia, Dean Rusk International Law Center, Georgia. – J.D. Universidad Interamericana, Facultad de Derecho, Puerto Rico- Cum Laude.



– B.A. en Justicia Criminal de la Universidad de Puerto de Rico, recinto de Carolina – M.A. en Justicia Criminal de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Me

Jorely Pérez Cancel

Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jorely Pérez Cancel has 18 years of experience in the legal field. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in Management…

Angela Gallego

Office Manager
With over two decades of experience in customer service and office administration, Angela Gallego is a key pillar of Migra 411’s operations. . A native of Colombia, Angela holds certifications…

Zuhelem Ramon

Process Specialist

Originally from Ecuador, Zuhelem Ramon brings over 10 years of expertise in process optimization and organizational development. Her extensive experience spans the…

Alejandra Córdova

Appeals Attorney

Alejandra Córdova is an associate attorney specializing in defensive asylum cases in Immigration Court. With a strong background in legislative affairs, she served…

María Isabel Castro

Customer Service Specialist

Originally from Ecuador, María Isabel Castro is a law graduate and holds a degree in Marketing Technology.

In her role at Migra 411, María Isabel serves…

Maria Gonzalez

Social Media Specialist

Originally from the Dominican Republic, Maria Gonzalez is a marketing graduate with a strong passion for digital communication and social media strategies.

Lorna Simons

Business Visa Attorney

Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Lorna Juliana Simons Ortiz is a dedicated immigration attorney with a Juris Doctor from the prestigious Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Graduating with honors…

Valentina Silva

Associate Attorney

Valentina Silva holds a Juris Doctor from the Inter-American University School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in communications and public Relations. She was born in Chile and grew up in Europe and Puerto Rico…

Alex S. Valentín-Lugo


Born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, Attorney Alex S. Valentín-Lugo holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts with a major concentration in Political Science and Law, along with two minors in Criminology…

Karen Ochoa

Paralegal Supervisor

Karen Ochoa currently assists in organizing evidence presented to the Immigration Court and in communication with the courts. She previously worked at a bank and, over time, obtained a Certificate in…

Juliette Johnson


Raised in Medellín, Colombia, Juliette Johnson combines her expertise in International Business, a master’s in finance, and a Paralegal Certificate from Migra 411. Her professional journey began in customer service…

Rosmery Rey


Rosmery Rey was born in Havana, Cuba, and is responsible for preparing petitions and requests under the supervision of an immigration attorney. She is a professional, organized, and focused on performing her

We are immigrants just like you, count on us

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  • LL.M, University of Georgia, Dean Rusk International Law Center, Georgia
  • J.D. Universidad Interamericana, Facultad de Derecho, Puerto Rico- Cum Laude
  • B.A. Universidad del Turabo, Puerto Rico-Summa Cum Laude
  • LL.B, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia


  • Todas las Cortes de Inmigración
  • Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Socia fundadora de Migra 411 LLC. nació y se crió Cali, Colombia (lugar del cual posee un bachillerato en derecho y un título de abogada). Años después, siguiendo el sueño americano de sus padres llegó a la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico.

Se graduó con honores como estudiante de Criminología de la Universidad del Turabo -Gurabo, Puerto Rico. Posteriormente, obtuvo su título de Juris Doctor de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana, donde también se graduó con honores.

Mientras estudiaba, Jessica trabajó en la Clínica de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Interamericana y posteriormente en el Instituto Caribeño de Derechos Humanos denunciando ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos la falta de acceso a la educación y a vivienda digna en Puerto Rico y la apátridia en República Dominicana. Este trabajo le ayudó a  desarrollar una enorme pasión por el humanismo y el respeto hacia  la dignidad humana sin importar las condiciones económicas, sociales o culturales de las personas o su origen, color de piel o preferencia sexual.

En 2016, Jessica se mudó a Georgia para encontrarse con una gran problemática en el campo de inmigración. Por ello decidió realizar una Maestría en Derecho de la Universidad de Georgia, con énfasis en derecho de inmigración.

Lcda. Huayna A. Luna Blanco


  • B.A. en Justicia Criminal de la Universidad de Puerto de Rico, recinto de Carolina – Magna Cum Laude
  • M.A. en Justicia Criminal de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metropolitano – Magna Cum Laude
  • J.D. de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico – Summa Cum Laude.


  • Abogacía y Notaría Pública del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
  • Cortes de Inmigración

Nació en Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana y se crió en la isla de Puerto Rico, donde realizó sus estudios de Bachillerato, Maestría y Juris Doctor. Proveniente de la Republica Dominicana, el hecho de ser inmigrante la ha ayudado a tener una mayor comprensión de los problemas que los inmigrantes enfrentan en el diario vivir, ha creado en ella una pasión por ayudar a las demás personas inmigrantes que buscan encontrar en los EE. UU. un mejor porvenir y la ha motivado por tal, a practicar el Derecho Migratorio.